Created to provide school HR professionals with support in all aspects of their role




Why should you become a member?

ISCHR has been created to provide school HR professionals with support in all aspects of their roles.

As a member of ISCHR, you will have access to the following:

  • School HR documents and policy templates 

  • ISCHR community forums and HR Clinics

  • Member focused HR guidance and support through our ‘Ask the Expert’ portal

  •   Training webinars on a range of HR topics, specifically for schools

  •   Annual HR cycle outline

  • The annual compensation and benefits report

  • ISCHR annual conference

By becoming a member, you join a truly global school HR community.

You will have the ability to connect with others in the same role, to gain insight and advice and to learn from others who are facing the same challenges as you.

You will be able to connect with other HR professionals in the same geographical areas to discuss changes that affect people and potential solutions. Ask questions and get answers to HR questions from the global community.

You will have access to training webinars on a range of topics from effective recruitment to performance management. Learn more about your role and the value that you can bring to your school.


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